
Let's Try This Again

Now that we've moved 3 or 4 times since I started this blog let's try again. I've decided mostly what this is going to be is my time enjoying being able to be home with my 1 and 3 year old. What I'm doing for preschool, things God's teaching me, etc.

We'll see how it goes. But since I already have dinner cooking in the crock pot (it's 2pm) and at least 1/2 an hour left of nap time I might actually be able to get some "school" planning done!


Arkansas, Here We Come!

I started this blog months ago with the thought of being an advocate for biblical femininity. Not much (AKA: nothing) happened for months. Now, however, it appears that's all about to change. We've been offered a job as houseparents at a residential home for children in southeastern Arkansas. It was quite the process. We looked for a house to buy in Denver for 3.5 months. The closest we got was the back-up to the back-up. Not particularly promising. Then, about 6 weeks ago we thought, what if we're supposed to be doing something else? And so began the houseparent job search. Three weeks to the day of that conversation, we were being offered a job as houseparents in Arkansas!

So, now, this blog will become a place to allow our friends and family to keep up with our life in Arkansas, as we become parents to not only our 2 kids, but 8 teenage/pre-teen girls who are in need of a stable, loving family environment.

We won't head down to Arkansas until October, but there's a lot that needs to get done beforehand. I've realized I don't want these 4 months to just be passing time or counting down the days until we get to start a new season in our lives. I want this summer to be meaningful and productive and bring God glory. Which means goals. What are my goals for the next 4 months? How can I "number my days rightly", that I might gain a heart of wisdom? Here's my preliminary list:

Short Term Goals:
1. Get the apartment totally unpacked
2. Develop organizational systems that work for this new space

Long Term Goals:
1. Build into our church Care Group as much as possible - specifically by starting a playgroup for the ladies.
2. Continue to train Molly in obedience
3. Prepare for the arrival of baby Jones through reading and planning
4. Resume a consistent time with the Lord (this one really should be #1)

I feel like those are pretty vague right now, but it's a start. If anyone actually ends up reading this, you can ask me how I'm doing on any or all of those goals!